Be a refiller not a landfiller
Grab yourself a free tap water refill wherever you spot our sticker. Don’t forget your reusable bottle!

Since 01 January 2025
single-use plastic bottles have been sent to landfill
bottles every day
bottles every minute
Olympic sized swimming pools filled every year
How we're helping

We're on a mission to inspire more people like you to keep a reusable bottle handy – with free refills on offer wherever you find the Choose Tap sticker.

We work with businesses and organisations of all kinds to promote tap water to their employees and customers – helping to reduce plastic use and create more refillers and less landfillers.

Our network of 20 water retailers and councils across the country is growing all the time.

In your local area
We’re teaming up with our network of councils and water retailers to get active in local communities – supporting access to free tap water and promoting healthy choices.
Find a tap anytime anywhere
Need to quench a thirst while you're out and about? If you’re in a new place and looking for your nearest source of tap water – we’ve got a map for that.