Stories & News
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Australians urged to replace plastic bottled water with tap
2020-02-06Australians are being urged to replace plastic bottled water with tap water during Keep Australia Beautiful Week, in a bid to shift our obsession with bottled water.
Portable water stations available for events in Mackay, Queensland
2020-02-04ORGANISERS of big community events to small-scale school fetes will be able to keep their patrons well and truly hydrated.
Yarra Valley Water serves up top drop at the footy finals
2020-02-07During the recent finals series Yarra Valley Water featured a Choose Tap pop-up.

This Buy Nothing New Month, why not ditch the bottle?
2020-02-06Nearly 375 million plastic water bottles end up in landfill and waterways, contributing to Australia’s growing landfill problem and harming marine life.
Kialla’s St Anne’s College pledges to be Water Only
Kialla’s St Anne’s College has become the first secondary school to sign on to Goulburn Valley Water’s Water Only program, committing to choosing tap water as their drink of choice in school hours.
Foster's interactive art fountain
2020-02-04Local community members and the Foster Chamber of Commerce approached South Gippsland Water looking for a drinking fountain to be installed in Foster.
Gippsland Water supports Federation University's plastic free pledge
2020-02-06Gippsland Water managing director Sarah Cumming said the organisation’s donation was part of a broader effort to promote tap over bottled water in the community.

Australia has the second best tasting water in the world
2020-02-26Just one vote was all that separated Mackay and the winner of the best tasting tap water in the world title.
Meet the Melbourne businesses serving up sustainability
From free tap water refills to strict anti-waste policies, hundreds of businesses around the country are starting to walk the walk when it comes to shifting to more eco-friendly practices.
South East Water and Bayside City Council team up on tap water
2020-04-22South East Water and Bayside City Council have teamed up to make it easier for residents, visitors and their furry friends to choose tap water over bottled, with three new water fountains installed across three bayside locations.
Easy guide to composting
Compost - unsurprisingly, something few of us ever think much about.
Water retailers in Melbourne call on commuters to ditch the plastic
Yarra Valley Water, City West Water and South East Water have teamed up with Metro Trains to install six new drinking fountains at some of the busiest train stations across Melbourne, as part of the Choose Tap fountains program.